Lake County Baptist School
2020-21 Reopening Plan
*This plan will be updated as needed.
We look forward to welcoming students back to school as we return to in-person classes for the 2020-21 school year. Major dates on the school calendar will remain similar to previous years. School will be held on its normal schedule Monday through Friday. The school day will begin and end at its normal time, including our extended care programs. We are thankful that we are not dependent on bus transportation for students, allowing us to retain this normal school schedule.
In anticipation of the start of the school year, we want to share with you some of the ways we are preparing our school environment to maintain the health and safety of our students, your family, and our employees.
As we proceed, we want to do so in a way that obeys God’s greatest commands, to love God and to love others (Matt. 22:37–40). The details are based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (please see the CDC’s statement regarding the importance of reopening of schools), the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Illinois State Board of Education, and our LCBS administrative leadership. Key recommendations include physical distancing, temperature checks, masks, group size limitations, hygiene practices, and other protective measures.
The information around us is changing daily, and we will do our best to keep you current with needed changes and updates to our plan. We are committed to responding to new data so that we can provide a safe and healthy learning environment throughout the school year.
Temperature Checks and Self-Screening
- All families must self-screen before students come to school each morning. The CDC has developed a website and screening tool to help.
- Temperature checks will be conducted as students are dropped off each morning. Temperatures will be taken in the gymnasium at drop off time or in the office if arriving later than 8:15 AM. Students with a temperature of 100.4° Fahrenheit or greater, or exhibiting known symptoms of COVID-19, may not go to their classrooms and must go home with the person who brought them and should see a medical professional for evaluation, treatment, and information about when he or she can return to school.
- Families must screen their children daily and keep them home if ill or presenting symptoms. Children presenting symptoms at school will be sent home immediately.
Covid-19 Quarantine Protocols
- COVID-19 Positive Symptomatic: Individuals who have tested positive with symptoms may not return to school until at least 72 hours have passed since recovery (defined as resolution of fever without the use of medications and improvements in respiratory symptoms) AND 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. This would also include a member of the household who tests positive. Before returning to school, please call the front office to verify you are eligible to return.
- COVID-19 Positive Asymptomatic: Individuals who have tested positive without exhibiting symptoms may return to school 10 days from the positive test assuming no symptoms have developed.
- No COVID-19 Test Symptomatic: Individuals with COVID-19 symptoms who have not tested may return to school if at least 72 hours have passed since recovery (defined as resolution of fever without the use of medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms) AND 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
- Students with any other illness (or COVID Negative) must be fever-free for 72 hours without the aid of medicine before returning to school. Temperature check at school upon return day.
- If another member of the household is COVID Positive, the CDC recommends the student be placed on self-quarantine for 14 days.
Separating Ill Students
- Students who become ill while at school and are required to go home will be quarantined in a designated area of the school office while waiting to be picked up.
- Upon the students departure, the area will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
- All students must wear a mask when entering or exiting the school building (drop-off and dismissal), in hallways, classrooms, lines, and at restroom breaks. 6 feet of social distancing must also be practiced as much as reasonable and possible.
- Each student must have two (2) masks. Students will need to wear a clean mask to school every day. One (1) mask will be placed in a ziplock bag with the student’s name written on the outside of the bag and kept in the classroom as a backup. Masks with pictures and writing need to be appropriate and free from political messages.
- Students may take masks off when seated in the classroom and facing the teacher during instructional times and properly distanced (6 ft.) when directed by the teacher. Desks will be placed in rows facing the teacher and distanced 6 ft. apart whenever possible. If rows are facing each other barriers may be provided or masks will need to be worn. Students will need to wear masks when moving about the classroom.
- Students may take off masks during recess and PE, but will need to wear them to/from recess and PE while in line. Consider purchasing an eyeglasses chain or lanyard to hook the mask to and prevent losing masks.
- If a student cannot wear a mask, parents must provide a signed note from your physician.
- Staff will follow similar procedures. Teachers must wear a mask or a face shield when teaching and interacting with students.
LCBS Remote (Virtual) Learning
- LCBS will be offering a virtual option for school when a student is absent due to illness or other approved absence as well as for an alternative option for students unable to return in-person.
- If a family opts for virtual learning, we will ask that the student remain virtual throughout an entire semester. We are trying to provide a consistent classroom experience and the chaos that can be caused for teachers not knowing which students may return and when can be mitigated by knowing that students all have the same in-person resume date.
- School work for virtual learning will be assigned via FACTS (RenWeb) and/or Google Classroom.
- Students who are doing school virtually will need to be online daily to follow what is going on in the classroom and will be notified of lessons and assignments through Google Classroom and FACTS (RenWeb). Students must also follow the regular class schedule to sign on for synchronous (live) lessons.
- Absence policies will be relaxed significantly and there will be no perfect attendance award.
Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection
- Custodial staff will do additional cleaning after Sunday and Wednesday night church services plus enhanced cleaning throughout the day focusing on high touch surfaces.
- Each classroom will have hand sanitizer near the entrance. Students will be encouraged to have a small bottle at their desk for personal use. Entrances will have sanitizing stations.
Social Distancing
- We are limiting class sizes particularly in the lower school to allow for social distancing.
- Traffic flow will be limited in the hallways with a midline marked. Stairways will be labeled as only up/down to prevent overcrowding.
- Bathrooms may only be used by two (2) people at a time. Upper school students will leave their backpacks outside the bathroom to indicate how many students are using that bathroom. Lower school students (preschool – 6th grade) will be taken by their teacher to bathroom breaks by grade.
- Students will have assigned seats in the classroom and desks will be placed in rows facing the teacher – 6 ft. apart as possible. They will need to abstain from physical contact with each other.
- Students will be required to wear masks and maintain safe distancing in hallways, lunchroom, and lines at the teacher’s desk (one student at a time at the teacher’s desk).
- Upper school students will only use lockers if necessary before school (8:15 AM), at lunch time, and after school (3:15 PM). Throughout the day, upper school students will carry backpacks to each class with their books and supplies in them.
- To minimize congestion in the hallways, upper school students will have staggered dismissals and class transitions as much as possible. Also, grade groups may remain in the same classroom whenever possible.
- P.E.: Lower school students (Preschool – 6th grades) will not change clothes for p.e. classes. Activities will have to be lighter and organized (exercises, calisthenics, etc.). Upper school students will change in shifts with smaller groups in multiple restrooms.
- Recess: Classes will go to recess as cohorts; balls and equipment will be designated for each individual group and not be shared.
- Naptime: Preschool and Kindergarten full day students will have mats placed 6 feet apart, head to toe to prevent viral spread. Each child will need to have individual bedding which will be stored in his or her cubby. They will be sent home to be laundered after each week. Mats will be assigned and labeled for each individual student.
Drop-off and AM Extended Care
7:00-8:00 AM Arrival
- Before School extended care will be held in the gym in its entirety, beginning at 7:00 am.
- Enter at the north gym doors. Ring the doorbell to alert the teacher of your arrival.
- Students will be required to wear a mask throughout AM extended care.
- Students will use hand sanitizer upon entering and then will receive temperature checks by the teacher on duty and given the all clear before the parents can leave.
- Students will have several center options to choose from, but must stay in their chosen center or sit in their class area.
8:00-8:15 AM Arrival
- All centers will be cleared away and sanitized at 7:50 AM. Students must sit in their designated class space with masks and socially distanced from other classes.
- Pastor Kowach and Mrs. Foster will be at the north gym doors to direct students to the appropriate temperature checking station.
- Students may go to the restroom before school as instructed by the teacher.
- Teachers will come to get students at 8:00 am to take them to their classes one at a time to maintain social distancing. Upper school students will be dismissed by grades to not overwhelm the locker area. Students in the classroom may talk with their friends, but should remain in their seats wearing their mask.
If parents come in to the school at the beginning of the school day (between 8:00am and 8:30am):
- Put on a mask before entering the building. Use the office doors on the west side of the building (main entrance) and wait to be buzzed in.
- Use hand sanitizer as you enter the doors and proceed directly to the office. You may have to wait to be buzzed in if the office waiting area is full – no more than 2 visitors to the office at a time.
- Mrs. Chatla will be doing temperature checks on all visitors and can further assist you.
Visitor restrictions
- No visitors will be allowed past the office throughout the day. Visitors should only enter using the main office entrance on the west side of the building.
- If your child has forgotten something, tell the office when you buzz in and leave it at the table inside the door. Items may not be delivered directly to the student by the parent.
- Maintenance/repair persons will be required to wear masks when in the building and will be screened at the office upon entry.
- Students will eat in the lunchroom at designated/assigned seats with only 8 students per lunch table. Seats will be designated. We will limit the overall capacity to 50 people.
- Classes will be released individually and dismissed individually. Students will need to wear masks until they are seated for lunch and eating and again as they are dismissed.
- We will not be offering hot lunch this year due to the constrictions and possible contamination concerns. All students will need to bring their own lunch to school.
- Students will not be allowed to microwave lunches this year due to possible contamination concerns. Please send any food that should be warm in a thermos.
- We will keep some a limited supply of options for students who have forgotten their lunches.
Water bottles/drinking fountains
- Students may bring disposable or reusable water bottles.
- Water fountains will be off-limits except to be used as filling stations.
- Teachers will refill water bottles for students in grades K4-3rd.
- Students in grades 4-12 may refill their own water bottles at the water fountain/filling station while wearing a mask and also social distancing.
- Elementary students will be seated and socially distanced with masks on waiting for their last name to be called.
- Parents will not be allowed to come into the gym entrance to pick up their student. All students will be dismissed (during dismissal time 3:10pm – 3:30pm) through the metal gym side doors or from their designated class area in the parking lot.
- Names will be called and students will be dismissed to their vehicles.
- Upper school students will be dismissed from their last class in separate groups according to their locker number (i.e. odd numbers, even numbers) and/or grade.
PM Extended Care
- Students will utilize the cafeteria for PM extended care throughout the year and will be seated by class.
- Students will need to wear a mask unless they are seated and able to maintain proper social distancing.
- Students will work on homework until 4:00 PM. They will receive a snack at that time – the worker will be masked and gloved. Students will eat while socially distanced.
- Students will be provided with papers, toys, etc.– no sharing items of any kind. They may go outside if the weather is pleasant to utilize the playground. They may watch movies.
- Parents may come directly to the cafeteria to check students out from 3:30 – 6:00 pm while wearing a mask and maintaining social distancing.
Sports Practices/Games
- At this time, fall sports (soccer and volleyball) have been cancelled and postponed to be played in the spring.
- We are hopeful that the basketball season will continue as planned. However, cancellations and/or modifications may be necessary when the time comes.
- If/when practices do begin, students will be allowed to return to locker rooms or hallways after practice only to grab their belongings and should exit as quickly as possible. Masks should be worn in close quarters.
- No water fountain use except to fill water bottles.
- Players must wait outside or in the gym lobby with masks and proper social distancing until the student’s ride comes at the end of practice.
- Wearing masks during physical activity in practices and games will be optional for players.
- Coaches and supporting staff will be asked to wear masks if required by state regulations at the time the sport is in season.
- Safety/social distancing guidelines for fans in attendance at games will be the same as for school and/or in accordance with local government orders.
Activities and Events
- School programs, activities, and events throughout the school year will be evaluated, modified, delayed, or cancelled as the time comes on a case-by-case basis in compliance with current guidance and in consideration of the health and safety of our students and staff.
- School Camp: The 7th-12th grade school camp at Camp Joy originally scheduled for August 31 – September 4 has been cancelled due to concerns for the COVID-19 health risks for our students. Regular classes will be held just as on normal school days.
● Field Trips: No field trips will be allowed until local health officials have determined it is safe to resume them. Virtual activities and events will be explored and utilized in lieu of field trips or guest speakers.